

The choice to seek help from a psychotherapist is a highly personal one.  The therapist we choose must first and foremost be someone we can connect with.  They must see us: quickly be able to understand our words and gestures for the pain and promise they hold.  Because it is the quality of their genuineness and insight that makes us willing to feel and deal with what we might rather go on avoiding.  Put another way, the therapist must have the right mix of compassion and grit so the client can heal and take responsibility to transform their life.

From The Blog

The Moon, Earthshine and the Empathic Field of Resonance

The Moon, Earthshine and the Empathic Field of Resonance

As a psychotherapist I do a lot of listening. I listen to the words of my clients and the deeper longings they convey, the unmet needs, the hurt and shame, the strength, the joy, and the veiled potential for a more fulfilled life. And also I notice the breath of my...

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The Invitation

The Invitation

One could say that the primary invitation of therapy is to become your own best friend. Or good parent. To do this you have to be observing yourself as you go through the moments of your day, not constantly but several times a day, enough to be aware of your mood and paying attention to important patterns, themes and emotions that cry out to be noticed.

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1304 Solano Avenue, Albany CA 94706
cell: 510.222.3576

Copyright © 2022 Keith Weinstein MFT
Site by colorgrooves